Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Born This Way

Okonkwo was a hero in Ibo society, initially, because of his devotion to tradition and religion. He was a hero, also, because of his unbreakable resolve, his ambition to be great, and his hard work ethic. Okonkwo’s fall from hero status is a microcosm of the Ibo society’s lost of values which made it an esteemed society. Both Okonkwo and the Ibo society itself abandoned their traditions, religious beliefs, and lost their positions of strength. Okonkwo was a hero in the Ibo society because; he was devoted to tradition, religion, and the rules. Okonkwo stood firm against the religious and political orders that the Europeans brought to Umofia. Even though Okonkwo said that he was doing what was best for his society, he also was fearful of the change to a new culture and a new tradition that would change his high stature in the society, â€Å"[a]n abominable religion has settled among you. A man can now leave his father and his brothers. He can curse gods of his fathers and his ancestors, like a hunter’s dog that suddenly goes mad and turns on his master. I fear for you; I fear for you the clan† (Achebe 124). This was problematic for Okonkwo because his sense of his own worth was dependent upon how the society judged him. Okonkwo was a hero because of his unbreakable resolve, his ambition to be great and his hard work ethic, â€Å"[h]e had a slight stammer and whenever he was angry and could not get his words out quickly enough, he would use his fists had no patience with unsuccessful men. † (Achebe 5). Okonkwo’s behavior was the result of having a father who was poor, soft, and did not claim any title in his life time. Okonkwo struggled not to become a weak and lazy man like his father. He believed that he had to be strong, hard working, and become well respected by his village but, he was afraid of failure. Okonkwo took on opposite beliefs such as being wealthy, brave and anything else that would not make him look like an agabla, or feminine. Okonkwo’s life began to fall apart after three incidents; first when he killed Ikemefuma, who was someone who lived with him and was like a son to him but he did it because he wanted to appear to be brave. Next, he was exiled from the clan for seven years. Okonkwo knew that he lost his standing in the Ibo society because of his exile. Okonkwo’s awareness of his lost of stature in the Ibo society was conveyed by the narrator when he said, â€Å"he had lost the chance to lead his warlike clan against the new religion, which, he was told, had gained ground. [h]e had lost the years in which he might have taken the highest titles in the land† (Achebe 121). His ambitions of being rich and powerful became obsolete, because of his exile. His final downfall was when Nwoye, his oldest and favorite son, converted to Christianity. This deeply depressed Okonkwo because he had not only high hopes for Nwoye, but he was his heir. Being robbed of a position of strength and not being able to resist change was the downfall of the Ibo culture. As soon as the white people came to Umofia everything that the tribe had once stood for was slowly becoming obsolete, â€Å"Now he has won out brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart† (Achebe 125). Okonkwo felt betrayed by the members of the tribe whom he had once seen as great warrior like men. Okonkwo believed that if he had not been exiled he would have prevented people from converting to Christianity. He was also disappointed in the behavior of his clan members. â€Å"Okonkwo was deeply grieved. And it was not just a personal grief. He mourned for the clan, which he saw breaking up and falling apart and he mourned for the warlike men of Umuofia, who had unaccountably become soft like women† (Achebe 129). The clan members that he knew and remembered would have driven out the white men long ago. Okonkwo’s feelings of disappointment of the new society that had taken over Umofia, lost of esteem, lost of cultural identity, guilt and disappointment in his clan members led him to commit suicide. Okonkwo started out with everything he wanted, barns filled with yams, wives, children, being a warrior, and a well-respected, hardworking member of the society. He had a plan for his life but the plan fell apart. He lost the traditions that he loved and cherished. He viewed the white missionaries as a threat to the way he wanted his life to be in his society. He was not flexible and did not want to change. Despite his self assessment, Okonkwo actually does adhere to his values. The Ibo culture has changed; but Okonkwo, while he was exiled (or maybe because he was exiled) does not take on the culture values of European society. He could have only become accepted in the changed culture if he, himself, had accepted the new culture, and changed himself. This change was not a change that Okonkwo wanted to evolve into. He believed that he was born that way and could not and would not change his beliefs. He did it the way he wanted to and ended his life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hardvard Case: TA Answers

1. This is a good deal for HPT’s shareholders and they did it for several reasons: First of all, TA’s operating business was spun off for federal income tax considerations. To maintain its status as an REIT for tax purpose, a large majority of HPT’s gross income had to be generated from real estate rents or mortgage interest. To meet these requirements, HPT was forced to divest itself of TA’s operating business. Second, the management of HPT believed that the rental income from TA’s sites would significantly diversify its revenue stream by providing exposure to a historically recession-resistant industry that did not follow the cyclical patterns of the hotel industry. Finally, the spin-off will unlock the hidden value of TA and the shareholder of HPT will receive shares of TA. As a result, this will create value for shareholders of HPT. 2. The HPT use the spin off for several reasons: Carve-out is partial spin-off, only unlocking partial hidden value. Most of the time, an equity carve-out ultimately results in the parent company fully spinning off the subsidiary. For HPT, carve-out can’t help them to avoid tax. Sell-off means selling assets, divisions, and subsidiaries to another corporation. For HPT, since they have just acquired TA, they have no reason to sell it unless there is a bigger profit than the sum of acquisition cost and the spin-off benefit. Issuing tracking stock –no legal separation or transfer of assets from HPT to TA First, issuing tracking stock will dilute the shareholders’ ownership. Instead, new spun off stock has no equity claim on the assets or cash flows of the old parent company (HTP). Second, for tax consideration, issuing tracking stock won’t help HPT to avoid tax. Third, overvalued market moods. if the investors are over-optimistic about the industry of TA, HPT can take advantage of it and have higher capital gain. But there is no evidence that investors have such mood about the TA industry. 3. Number of shares outstanding = 8628425(Exhibit 4), price per share=29 Equity value = shares outstanding * price= $250224325. There is no debt for new TA, cash equals $213205000 (Exhibit 7) Capital lease obligation = $105252000 (Exhibit 7). EV=Equity value+ debt (short+ long)-cash (and equivalents)+capital lease obligation= $142271325= $142. 27 (MM) The HPT gives $213 million to TA in order to cover up real estate properties and help TA to run its business without increasing leverage ratio. Also, it can help create better balance sheet, thus facilitating publicly trading and decreasing default risk by and large. 4. What is the fair value of one share of New-TA? 1) Multiple valuation method We use Pantry (PTRY) as comparable firm from three comparable firms. Because Pantry has a similar business model as New-TA, it leases most of its stores for operation instead of owning them (it owns 368 stores, but leases 1125 stores). Nevertheless, the other two firms own most of their stores, so they are excluded from our selection. Thus, EV/EBITDA=7. 1(data for 2007) Post-acquisition depreciation $18029000(Exhibit 9) P ost-acquisition EBIT $14936000(Exhibit 9) EBITDA = $32965000. (Exhibit 9) Based on our multiple valuations using 7. 1 times of EBITDA multiple, the fair value of New-TA is 234. 05(MM) Equity Value= EV- debt + cash – Capital lease obligation= $341. 99(MM) Price per share= $341. 99mm/8628425= $39. 64 2) DCF method (see Excel) 5. After the spin-off, New-TA has no debt outstanding so that it is easy to finance in the future operation. On top of that, the company’s leverage is low, which decreases the default risk of the company by and large. HPT retains its real estate and gives its operating business to the New TA, hoping that the New TA could focus on the its strong point and develop more aggressively in the market. Besides, there will generate some tax beneficial due to the spin-off transaction, which increases net income of the company. In addition, gross margins of New-TA are incredibly high, encouraging the company to grow at a faster speed and generate large amount of gross profits.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Implication of Extinction of Bengal Tigers Assignment

Implication of Extinction of Bengal Tigers - Assignment Example The Bengal tigers were once very common across Asia from Turkey to the west to the Eastern coast of Russia but have greatly reduced in the past 100 years and now remain in few Asian countries like India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Indonesia where they still face constant threat of extinction (Bhattarai & Kindlmann, 2012). Some cultures in Asia believe that powdered tiger bones have medicinal value and this has been one of the reasons for the poaching of tigers in India to get their bones. The other reasons for poaching of Bengal tigers is to get their Skin, teeth, skin, and claws which are in great demand in Asia. The tiger habitat is also at great risk due to human activities including conversion of forests into agricultural land, commercial tree logging and human settlement, which is greatly affecting the survival of tigers. Depletion of prey is also a factor contributing to the extinction of Bengal Tigers, as there are increased tiger attacks on livestock and humans resulting to into lerance of tigers from the surrounding communities in India (Borthakur, et al., 2011). The extinction of Bengal Tigers in India will, however, have strong and far-reaching consequences on biodiversity in India. This is because the disruption or elimination of one element from a fragile ecosystem causes an imbalance that not only affects the food chain but also the local communities and also other species that share the tiger habitat (Bhattarai & Kindlmann, 2012). Kindlmann, 2012). This is in agreement with what the Nobel laureate and environmentalist, Prof Wangari Mathai, once said that nature is very unforgiving and if you destroy nature, it will destroy you. The tiger being a carnivore is at the top of the food chain in all its habitats and helps to keep the population of its prey, most of which are vegetarians, such as the deer, antelopes, and wild pigs in check. If the tigers get extinct, the population of these animals will grow uncontrollably resulting into an imbalance (Chapr on et al., 2008). The increased population of these vegetarian would ravage the vegetation in the forest and this would make the place inhabitable for small animals and insects. The insects would then move to the farmland, which would greatly effect on vital food sources that human beings depend on for survival thus negatively affecting on human population. If vegetation can no longer grow in the jungle, the soil in the jungle would soon lose its fertility and eventually the jungle would lose its life to become a wilderness. The extinction of the Bengal Tigers in Indian forests will also lead to co extinction of other species in the forests. First, the tiger being on top of the food chain helps other animals such as birds and reptiles get food when it catches a prey. When a tiger has eaten its fill for instance from a prey, it abandons the rest which become food to the scavengers and other animals suc

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What is nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is nursing - Essay Example lling a vital role within a given industry or business, the definition of nursing that has been laid out above strictly differs from the definition or â€Å"scope† that many jobs may have (Azuri et al., 2014). As a means of understanding this and delineating what the specific responsibilities and expectations are for nurses, the following analysis will seek to engage the reader with a more profound and nuanced interpretation of what the nurse actually does and how they are expected to fulfill their unique role within the medical community. Through such a discussion, it is the further hope of this student that the reader will be able to come to a more informed understanding of the role of the nurse and how this vital position serves to strengthen the outreach and scope that the medical community has. A discussion of what defines a nurse would not be complete without briefly discussing some of the roles and responsibilities that nurses have. Although the following will not be an exhaustive list, as such a list might require a dissertation length response, the core responsibilities that will be defined are generally shared amongst most nurses. Firstly, the nurse is required to directly interact with the patient and gather information that the medical professional, whether a doctor, PA, or other professional, can utilize as a means of addressing issues relating to the health of the patient and their future prognosis. In such a way, the nurse is oftentimes required to engage in a physical exam or a discussion with the patient; as a means of categorizing and seeking to provide actionable information to the doctor or PA (Christiansen et al., 2013). In a more direct sense, nurses are oftentimes required to provide health counseling and education. Although this is sometimes overlooked, in lieu of the fact that this is an expectation of a doctor, the fact of the matter is that a nurse’s extensive medical training prepares him/her to counsel patients with regard to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global Warming and New Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Warming and New Technology - Essay Example These gases, especially carbon dioxide, or CO2, trap the heat coming from the sun, and keep this heat on earth. This heat eventually builds up and becomes a phenomenon known as global warming. According to data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the effects of global warming are already happening – sea levels rising, glaciers shrinking, growing seasons lengthening, ice on lakes and rivers freezing, and the permafrost thawing (â€Å"Basic Information,† EPA). Moreover, technology, especially in the field of IT, also contributes to global warming. If, therefore, the harm caused by global warming and new technology is left unchecked, all of earth’s ecosystems will eventually be destroyed. Global warming can indeed cause significant changes in global temperatures which can actually cause many other negative environmental effects. According to, due to the ever increasing amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, the earth is getting warmer and warme r every decade, and that the 1900s is the world’s warmest century in 1,000 years (â€Å"What are the Impacts†). ... Nevertheless, we cannot even tolerate a 4 °C, according to the UK Met Office, which is the national weather service of the United Kingdom (â€Å"What are the Impacts†). In fact, according to the UK Met Office, this rapid change in the temperature due to the increasing amount of CO2 in the air will eventually lead to a decrease in the agricultural yields of all major cereal crops and this will also cause a significant reduction of the Himalayas glaciers, but this is not all (â€Å"What are the Impacts†). Since the increase in temperatures of the world will naturally heat up the oceans, particularly the Arctic regions, what is expected is not only the gradual disappearance of the Himalayas glaciers but also more hurricanes and drought, long periods of intense rain or extremely dry heat, and freezing weather especially in Northern Europe (â€Å"What are the Impacts†). Global warming may therefore affect the ocean currents and with the extreme amount of heat emanat ing from the oceans, the currents that bring hot air to Northern Europe may then be disrupted. In fact, the world’s oceans are rapidly â€Å"approaching 27 °C† every summer and this phenomenon alone contributes greatly to the occurrence of strong storms and hurricanes (â€Å"What are the Impacts†). The heating up of the oceans, which bring about these storms and hurricanes, are actually caused by the greenhouse gases trapping huge amounts of solar energy, and when this trapped solar energy needs to be dissipated, what results is higher winds and more intense precipitation, which both define a storm and a hurricane (â€Å"What are the Impacts†). In fact, in a period of just 30 years,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analyzing langguage Communities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyzing langguage Communities - Essay Example The modern society has developed a different meaning of the term queer in comparison to what was known two decades ago. The society viewed gay, lesbians, and bisexuals as individuals who had queer character traits. The morals of lesbians, gays or bisexuals were queer to the society. In many cases, the society would refer to these groups of people as queer. In response to this term, the gay, lesbians and bisexuals decided to defiantly apply this name. The term queer loses its original meaning when gay; lesbians or the bisexuals feel that the term is okay with them. It has become a common language in the streets. Some gays or lesbians respond to it by claiming that they teach the straight people how to dress or introduce new fashion to the straight people in the society. Whenever the gays or lesbians react in this manner, the term queer does not seem to have a negative impact or meaning to their morals. I think that in trying to cope with the humiliation brought by the term, they have resorted into mocking the society or the straight people. History indicates that lesbian and gay activists started using queer in 1980s as a self-identification. On the contrary, it did not appear to them as an insult, but as a means that promoted their motives to the society. When lobbying for their activities and principles in the society, the activists propagated the name to identify themselves as people who are queer to the society. It is true that their moral is queer, as the name would seem to suggest. The continuous or the public use of the term queer by the lesbians, gays, and bisexuals has led to erosion of the real meaning of the term. Notably, the society would adopt names according to the immediate meaning. The next generation may not know the genesis of the term queer, but would adopt it in their normal language usage. Many people still feel that queer is a term that insults on the behavior or the conduct of an individual. This especially applies when the individual in question belong to the gay or lesbian community. The term has a greater harm to the individual especially in an environment where people associate the term to gay or lesbian practices. Some people may not treat any insult lightly; it might result into shady show in the streets. The insulted individual may decide to retort back by hulling abusive words. The society regards a name as an important tool that markets a character. Any situation that taints the name of an individual may elicit heated reactions. Culturally, gay or lesbians have no place in the society. People who advocate for good cultural practices believe that gay or lesbians have raped good morals. The social acceptance of an individual in the society depends of cultural inclination of the society. Queer means cultural rejection of a particular trait of an individual. Names given to events or occurrences define the social values of the community. Gay and lesbians value their characters in contrasts to the society. The so ciety attributes the term queer to a lost value or something that is worthless. Each individual would wish to have some value in the society. Gay and lesbians exert their worthiness in the society by identifying themselves using this term. In the past the term elicited negative reaction, but today it has taken a new drift. Gay and lesbian lobbyist

Kanban Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Kanban Systems - Research Paper Example This system was introduced in Toyota car plant in Japan as a means through which the company would smooth their produce throughout their production process. Through this system the company aimed at improving productivity of their system. This system will also ensure that the company secures its involvement and participation in realizing its aim of high productivity by acting as a better means of keeping on check flow of products through the production system. Kanban therefore provides highly visible means of keeping on track the build-up of inventory levels with a production system. The system is made up of cards with all the information of what is required to be done on a product at each stage of production. The cards also explain what parts should be inserted in the subsequent process. Through this cards a firm can therefore control a work in progress, its production and smooth flow of its inventory. Through Kanban system therefore a firm can achieve the following objectives among others Kanban systems was invented twenty years ago by the vice president of Japanese car giant Toyota. The main aim was to smoothen the flow of products in the car plants throughout the production system of the firm. Since then the system has gone through vary many modifications as a means of production activity control. As a measure of activity control Kanban system have helps firms to achieve goals of Just-in-time and manage operations of the same. Further, Kanban system helps in relaying crucial information for monitoring and controlling the quantities required by the firm according to its production plans. An effective Kanban system provides a better way for employees of firm to understand how the management want their time to be spent (Louis, 2006). This means a firm can identify where idle time lie easily and make further adjustment as fast as possible. This may come interns of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

To investigate various aspects of the design and construction of a Assignment

To investigate various aspects of the design and construction of a major civil engineering project that has taken place in the last few years - Assignment Example Skidmore, Merrill and Owings performed the tasks of the engineering and architecture. Other roles in the construction process included the chief structural engineer performed by Bill Baker, Adrian Smith was the chief architect and Samsung C & T being the primary contractor (10, 11,12). The construction division of Al Ghurair Investment carried the tower construction activities (14, 13). The design of the tower was based on the idea that it was to be the centrepiece of a wide scale development. The initial plan stipulated that the development would have several functions. The building is designed to to encompass thirty thousand homes, at least nineteen residential towers, nine holes, the Burj Khalifa man-made lake and the great Dubai Mall. The additional constructions and structure around the building offered alternative solutions to the needs that would not be met by the building. The primary decision to build the structure relied on the government decision towards diversification. It is observed that the government wanted to diversify from dependence on the oil to service and tourism sector. It is evident that the construction of Burj Khalifa has led to a lot of international recognition. The outcome of such recognitions is increased investment from both the local and international community. The building has put Dubai on the map due to the sensations it creates. The design process was carried out by Merrill, Skidmore and Owings. The architects have also designed other leading structure such as the Willis Tower and the New Yorks World Trade Centre. The structure takes the application of the bundled tube design (37, 38). The building is a reminiscence of the Vision for Illinois, the Frank Lloyd Wright design, designed for Chicago. Initially, Burj Kalifa was designed based on the tower place Tree building with its seventy-three floors. Additionally, the initial plan had it that the building should solely be used for residential purposes. Subsequent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Health care professional inerview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health care professional inerview - Essay Example These tasks are done both in the hospital setup, at the home of patients, within the community schools as well as in industries. Community paramedics thus deliver services to emergencies with the main objectives of prevention of health harm. Paramedics offer their services round the clock to address the health concern of people in the community. This work mainly targets those whose capacity is impaired and the vulnerable members with the intention of achieving a universal coverage of health. Vickie L. Martin elaborated that a typical day for a community paramedics is one parameter that is difficult to predict. She states that a paramedic officer is an individual trained to be prepared all the time for an emergency whether on duty or off duty. A typical day for a paramedic officer can begin by responding to an emergency entailing fire outbreak or flood. Paramedics are responsible for the resuscitation of the victims of the crisis, offering first aid services and transferring those in need of special health services to a health care facility. The duty of a paramedic can take unpredictable duration in an emergency sport. Nevertheless, community paramedics are trained to offer their services within the shortest time possible as a way of allowing time to respond to other situations. The day is equally spent reporting emergency services to the relevant authority as well as collaborating with other health care workers to deliver services in hospital and community setting. A community paramedic works in a multivariate practice setting, these include in the community, giving services to the community. A professional in this field can equally practice in a health facility as well as in the research institutions. Working in an environment that demand speed in action, community paramedics work with the ambulance services as well as with the emergency airlift services for quick delivery of health care needs. According to Vickie L. Martin, the requirements

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business research and consultancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business research and consultancy - Essay Example The paper tells that research and consultancy are two different concepts, which have a number of variations between them. However, they have so much in common and this is quite essential towards each other. Consultants require knowing the findings of research prior to recommending any incentive technique in dealing with the practical problems of management. It is imperative for consultants to consider whether any researches had been conducted towards the utilization of such techniques in circumstances similar to the ones their clients are experiencing. Business research was in the past deemed a data collection service focusing on markets whereby clients requested particular data and the market researchers collected and provided to them. Where such data is now accessible by the various market competitors, business have continually been challenged to not only focus on marketing but also their competitors in order to diagnose the market’s current situation and the problems existi ng in a more detailed manners and identify their weaknesses and strengths. Market is highly dynamic and this requires businesses to constantly analyze the marketplace so as to plan and match their company strengths with the existing market opportunities and devise tactics and strategies to achieve their objectives. Market research also plays an important role in enabling businesses to continuously watch for threats to their plans achievement. Business research is also critical for monitoring progress of an organization’s strategy implementation... Market is highly dynamic and this requires businesses to constantly analyze the marketplace so as to plan and match their company strengths with the existing market opportunities and devise tactics and strategies to achieve their objectives. Market research also plays an important role in enabling businesses to continuously watch for threats to their plans achievement. Business research is also critical for monitoring progress of an organization’s strategy implementation (Kent 1993, p. 2). Marketing research and consultancy practice is concerned with collection, analysis, and interpretation of data on market, company, and its surrounding environment. Such information is relevant for problem diagnosis, business planning, and market strategies control. When firms and entrepreneurs face problems in their businesses related to issues like decline in sales, poor customer relationships and satisfaction, stiff competition or general decline in product demand, they approach business r esearch and consultancy firms for advisory. To identify and address the problems, relevant data is required to identify factors leading to the problems and clarify the decision required to be made. Some research may involve product testing and others may involve pricing research especially for new market entrants (Kent 1993, p. 4). This paper is a reflective report in which the writer desires to give a comprehensive experience of business research and consultancy. The research has used secondary type of research to explore the debt collection software solutions used by various debt collection companies such as Line Time, Win Collect, Proclaim Case Management, Crevice, Adtec, TDX Group, Actius, Capture, Silver Link, Latitude and Experian’s Tallyman. This is a reflection of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Deutsche Brauerei Essay Example for Free

Deutsche Brauerei Essay The agenda attached (EXHIIBT 1) became the focus of Ms. Greta Schweitzer’s concentration for the next 24 hours. She relied on her team from her EMBA class in Frankfurt to assist her with the recommendations she would need to address this board tomorrow morning. Upon initial analysis, it became obvious that DB was in trouble with respect to the Ukraine market, much less the proposed capital expansion. Several items alarmed the team when we read the statements from both Lukas Schweitzer and Oleg Pinchuk. The sales and marketing manager has an obviously different approach than that which made DB successful in the past. Oleg Pinchuk has extended credit to its â€Å"distributors† which is causing a rise in sales and accordingly an increase in his salary (as it is based on sales). This needs to be corrected; given such a volatile environment and this firm’s recent history, a person in his position should earn a salary based on accounts receivable collections, rather than sales. Perhaps then, his discretion would be more restrictive with respect to extension of credit. Furthermore, if the distributors are in fact expanding and enhancing their stores by purchasing new equipment and restocking inventories, then obviously they have the cash to pay DB for their outstanding invoices. This raises considerable questions regarding the prudence of â€Å"trade-credit extensions† and compensation packages offered Mr. Pinchuk, and accordingly, we recommend his termination. A new salary structure and job description delineating required results can be negotiated with Mr. Pinchuk’s replacement. When considering adopting the budget for 2001, we must consider the proposed expansion and investments in new plant and equipment (warehouse and distribution center). With the overuse of short term debt and a borrowing rate over 2% higher than the government rate, it will be impossible to finance this capital expansion. We cannot recommend approval of the budget in its current form. There is not enough cash being collected, too much inventory carried on behalf of the distributors, too much risky short term debt and too many capital improvements budgeted to justify this expansion. Without actually collecting cash from the receivables, we do not recommend declaring any additional dividends, as indicated in the budget. Historically, declared and paid dividends were right at or below $2,000 (in thousands of Euros) and the proposed budget increases those to well over $3,200. We recommend restricting dividends declared to what was done in the past, without any increase. Once collections are received and with the change in marketing, credit policies, and inventory control, the company would be in a better financial position to pay additional dividends. As a matter of final note, we strongly urge the Board of Directors of DB to consider the short term effects of expanding into a new market economy. The Ukraine is just transitioning into becoming a market economy (experiencing supply and demand that guides the allocation of resources). Such a transition is politically and socially difficult for businesses because of rising inflation, unemployment, and economic uncertainty. We have serious questions about the vitality of DB and whether it can survive until the long term benefits of this transition are realized.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Role Of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stroke

The Role Of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stroke INTRODUCTION Stroke is a rapidly developing clinical signs of focal disturbance of cerebral function, lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death with no apparent cause other than that of vascular origin (Aho K Harmsen 1980). Stroke is a disease of developed nation and its the third leading cause of death and long term disability all over the world with an incidence rate of 10 million per year (Sudlow and Warlow 1996). Stroke occurs at any age but it is more common in elderly between 55 to 85 years of age (Boudewejn Kollen and Gert Kwakkel 2006). Stroke is classified into two types based on the pathology and cause, Ischemic stroke, occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is decreased, leading to dysfunction of the brain tissue in that area. The ischemia results when there is Thrombosis, Embolism, Systemic hypoperfusion and venous thrombosis. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when there is accumulation of blood anywhere within the skull vault. These hemorrhage results when there is microaneurism, arterio venous malformation and inflammatory vasculitis (Capildeo and Habermann 1977). Normal cerebral blood flow is approximately 50 to 60 ml/100g/ Minutes and varies in different parts of the brain. When there is ischemia, the cerebral auto-regulatory mechanism will compensate for the reduction in the cerebral blood flow by local vasodilatation and increase the extraction of oxygen and glucose from the blood. When the Cerebral Blood Flow is reduced to below 20 ml/100g/min, an electrical silence occurs and synaptic activity is greatly diminished in an attempt to preserve energy stored. Cerebral blood flow of less than 10ml/100g/min results in irreversible neuronal injury. These neuronal injuries occurs when there is formation of microscopic thrombi, these microscopic thrombi are triggered by ischemia induced activation of destructive vasoactive enzymes that are released by endothelium, platelets and neuronal cells. These result in the development of hypoxic ischemic neuronal injury which is primarily induced by overreaction of some neurotransmitters like glutamate and aspirate. Within an hour of hypoxic-ischemic insult there will be ischemiec penumbra where auto- regulation is ineffective. This stage of ischemia is called window of opportunity, where the neurological deficit created by ischemia can be partly or completely reversed. After this stage is a stage of neuronal death, in which the deficit is irreversible (Heros 1994). Functional restrictions resulting from stroke are paralysis of upper limb lower limb function, cognitive deficit, visual disturbances, disturbance of gait and mobility, spasticity of muscle, loss of co-ordination and speech problems. The loss of upper extremity control is common after stroke with 88% of survivors having some level of upper extremity dysfunction. Basic Activities of Daily Living (ADL) skills are compromised in acute stroke, with 67% to 88% of patients demonstrating partial or complete independence (Amit Kumar Mandall 2009). Muscle weakness, or the inability to generate normal levels of force, has clinically been recognized as one of the limiting factors in the motor rehabilitation of patients with stroke. Following stroke, some patients lose independent control over select muscle groups, resulting in coupled joint movements that are often inappropriate for the desired task. These coupled movements are known as synergies and, for the upper limb flexor synergy: shoulde r flexion, adduction, internal rotation, elbow flexion, wrist flexion and finger flexion. Upper limb extensor synergy: shoulder, elbow, wrist and finger extension. The rehabilitation of upper extremity is quite challenging. Many therapeutic approaches are currently available in the rehabilitation of upper extremity function. Most commonly used treatment approaches are ROODs approach, Sensory motor approach, PNF, Brunnstroms movement therapy, Bobaths technique and neuro developmental therapy. In this Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is widely used in the rehabilitation of upper extremity function in stroke patients. (Amit Kumar Mandall 2009). PNF is a therapeutic intervention used in rehabilitation which was originally developed to facilitate performance in patients with movement deficits. PNF exercises are based on the stretch reflex which is caused by stimulation of the Golgi tendon and muscle spindles. This stimulation results in impulses being sent to the brain, which leads to the contraction and relaxation of muscles. When a body part is injured, there is a delay in the stimulation of the muscle spindles and Golgi tendons resulting in weakness of the muscle. PNF exercises help to re-educate the motor units which are lost due to the injury. A variety of methods fall under the rubric of PNF, including the exploitation of postural reflexes, the use of gravity to facilitate movement in weak muscles, the use of eccentric contractions to facilitate agonist muscle activity, hold relax, contract relax, rhythmic stabilization, rhythmic initiation and the use of diagonal movement patterns to facilitate the activation of bi-art icular muscles (Etnyre Abraham L D, 1987; Hardy Jones, 1986 Osternig, Robertson, Troxel, Hansen, 1987). Tomasz  Wolny, Edward  Saulicz and RafaÅ‚Â  Gnat in 2009 conducted a randomized control study on the efficacy of proprioceptive neuro-muscular facilitation in rehabilitation for activities of daily living in late post-stroke patients. In this study sixty four stroke patients were recruited from the neurological rehabilitation centre Subjects for this study were recruited based on some inclusion criteria. The patients with loss of sphincter control, loss of mobility, locomotion and communication were included in this study and patients with grade 5 or 6 Repty Functional lndex scale were included in this study. After the recruitment of patients, all the 64 patients were randomly divided into two groups, group A (control group) and group B (experimental group). Group A will receive conventional treatment like strengthening, gait training etc. Group B will receive PNF based exercise. A pre and post assessment of the functional status of the stroke patients was done using R epty Functional lndex scale. The treatment will be continued for 21 days for both the groups in the neurological rehabilitation centre. . The data were analyzed using chi-square test. Chi-square was used to study associations between the treatments and changes in the criterion measurements. ANOVA was used to compare the average changes among the two groups. The result of this study showed that PNF-based rehabilitation exercise of late post-stroke patients significantly improved in their ADL functional performance and in locomotion when compared to the control group treated with conventional therapy. Kuniyoshi Shimura.A, Tatsuya Kasai. B in 2002 conducted a study on Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on the initiation of voluntary movement and motor evoked potentials in upper limb muscles activity. In this study author investigated the effect of PNF limb positions and neutral limb positions on the initiation of voluntary limb movement and motor evoked potentials in upper limb muscles. In this experimental study the patients were divided into two groups, in experimental group 1 they investigated the effectiveness of PNF by considering the effects of limb position changes on the initiation of voluntary movement in terms of electromyographic reaction times. In experimental group 2 they investigated the effectiveness of no (neutral limb position) movement by considering the effect of limb position changes on the initiation of voluntary movement with electromyographic reaction times. After signing the consent the experiment was conducted on the patients. Two upper ar m positions used in this study, a neutral position (N) and a position facilitating activity of the upper extensor muscles (PNF). The effects of these positions are observed in the EMG. The subject could passively adopt the two upper arm positions using his right (affected) arm by means of especially made arm holders. For each arm position, six blocks of 10 trials were performed. All trials of the first block and the first trial of each of the following blocks were excluded from the analysis to eliminate start-up effects. In addition, a few trials were discarded because of obvious mistakes in the recording. EMGs were recorded simultaneously from three muscles (Brachioradialis, triceps brachii and deltoid) using 3 cm diameter, bipolar, silver surface electrodes connected to an EMG-unit. The result of this study showed that the EMG discharge order differed between the two positions. PNF position improves movement efficiency of the joint by inducing changes in the sequence in which the muscles are activated. Hence PNF has an effective role in the initiation of voluntary movement and motor evoked potential in upper limb muscle activity. Pamela Duncan and Lorie Richards et al., in 1998 conducted a study on the effect of Home-Based Exercise Program for Individuals with Mild and Moderate Stroke. In this randomized controlled pilot study, 20 individuals with mild to moderate stroke who had completed acute rehabilitation program and those who were 30 to 90 days after onset of stroke were randomized to a 12-week (first 8-week will be therapist-supervised program and the next 4-week will be independent program) rehabilitation program. After signing the consent form, patients were selected based on some inclusion criteria like (1) 30 to 90 days after stroke; (2) minimal or moderately impaired sensorimotor function (3) ambulatory with supervision and/or assistive device; (4) living at home; and (5) living within 50 miles of the University. The exclusion criteria for this study are (1) a medical condition that interfered with outcome assessments or limited participation in sub maximal exercise program, (2) a Mini-Mental State score The participants for this study were selected and evaluated by a therapist based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. If the subjects agreed to participate in this study, then the basic assessment is done after getting the informed consent. The severity of the stroke were assessed using Orpington Prognostic Scale (Sue-Min Lai and Pamela W. Duncan 1998) and Fugl-Meyer Motor Score (Pamela W Duncan 1982) that includes assessment of motor function of the arm, upper extremity proprioception, coordination, balance, and 10 cognitive questions. The functional assessments are performed using Barthel Index Activities of Daily Living (Fricke and Unsworth 1997) Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Medical Outcomes Study-36 Health Status Measurement (Colleen and John 1992). Functional assessments of balance and gait of the participants were assessed using 10-Meter Walk, 6-Minute Walk (Kosak and Smith 2005) and Berg Balance Scale (Berg, Wood-Dauphinee and Williams 1995). Upper extremity hand function was evaluated with the Jebsen Test of Hand Function.The Jebsen is a standardized assessment to measure the time taken to perform hand activities. These includes: writing a short sentence, turning over 35 cards, picking up small objects, stacking checkers, simulated eating, moving empty large cans, and moving weighted cans(Jebsen, Taylor, Trieschmann 1969). After baseline assessment the subjects were randomly assigned into two groups, experimental group and control group. In experimental groups the PNF exercise were taught to the patients on day one as an home exercise and they were asked to continue the same exercise as an home program for eight weeks with three visits to the physical therapy department every week. The exercise includes assistive and resistive exercises using Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Patterns and Theraband exercise to the major muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities. Subjects in the control group received usual care as prescribed by the physicians. The subjects of this group were assessed by the research assistant. The demographic data of both the groups were statistically compared using Wilcoxon rank sum tests. The results of this study showed that there is no difference in the pre and post exercise treatment. There is no change in the upper extremity function and the functional health status in both the experimental group as well as in control group after the treatment interventions. Ruth Dickstein, Shraga Hochman, Thomas Pillar, and Rachel Shaham in 1992 conducted a study on Stroke Rehabilitation with Three Exercise Therapy Approaches. One hundred and ninety-six hemiplegic patients were randomly selected for this study. All subjects were referred to the physical therapy department of a geriatric-rehabilitation hospital over a period of 18 months were admitted to the study. All patients had a recent cerebrovascular accident and came for a rehabilitation program after an average stay of 16 days in a general hospital. Sex distribution was equal with a mean age of 70.5 years. Thirteen physiotherapists were enrolled in the study for exercise administration and the subjects were assigned randomly to each therapist. The data were collected in a separate form, which has two parts; first part was used to collect the basic information like age, gender, side affected and location of the damaged artery. The second part was used to record the variable data. Each therapist tr eated their first five patients with conventional method, next five with PNF method and the last five with Bobath method. All patients were treated for five days a week for six weeks, and each treatment sessions were last for 30 to 45 minutes. The outcomes of each patient are measured before the treatment and every week thereafter. The functional independence is measured with Barthal index. Muscle tone of the involved extremities was checked by passive movements of the extremities with the patients in supine position. Muscle tone was graded using an ordinal scale composed of five points: a) flaccid, b) low, c) normal, d) high, and e) spastic. Ambulatory status of the patient was assessed and classified with a nominal four category scale: a) patient does not walk, b) patient walks with an assistive device and persons help, c) patient walks with an assistive device, and d) patient walks independently. The treatment was continued for 6weeks in both the groups. The data were analyzed using chi-square test. Chi-square was used to study associations between the treatments and changes in the criterion measurements. The Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the average changes among the three groups. The results of this study showed that there is no significant difference in the improvement of activities of daily living and in the walking ability. But there is significant difference in the improvement of muscle tone in PNF group and in Bobath group when compared to the conventional treatment group. CONCLUSION: The poor quality of the trials reviewed severely limits the conclusions that can be drawn. However, it seems that currently there is no evidence, that interventions based on the Proprioceptive Neuro-muscular Facilitation (PNF) are more effective than other approaches. One Study done by Ruth Dickstein on PNF vs. Bobath concluded that PNF exercise given in conjunction with Bobath technique are more effective in improving wrist strength and upper limb function than giving PNF alone. But the outcomes used in these studies are ordinal rating scales, which may not be sensitive enough to differentiate the effect of the two techniques. The number of subjects recruited for these studies is very less. We cannot come to conclusion on the effect of PNF in upper limb function with these less number of studies. Stroke patients may vary widely on factors such as physical impairments, speech impairments, severity of impairments, cognitive impairments, and also in the individual personality and learning styles. So, we cannot assume that this PNF technique is superior to all other techniques, because we cannot say this technique can be used in individuals with stroke and at every stage of recovery. For example one approach may be effective in initial stage of stroke, but the same approach may not be effective for chronic stroke patients. Factors such as depression, spatial awareness, cognition, comprehension and sensory loss could also have an impact on the response of a technique. In most of the studies there is no exact clinical finding about the problem, size of lesion and the site of lesion. Characteristics of the lesion may explain the variability in responsiveness to the intervention. There is no ideal timing of the interventions, whether the technique should be given in the initial stage or late stage of stroke. In this review on the effect of PNF in upper limb function in stroke, evidence on the current practice is lacking. Because of the lack of evidence on current practice it is very difficult to make a conclusion. Evidence of support and treatment used in these articles is not standard to use in todays health care practice. It is suggested that further studies comparing the effect of PNF with other approaches using sensitive, reliable outcome measures and with homogenous sample size should be done. Therefore it is important that future studies clarify the analysis and interventions used within the PNF technique to enable accurate evaluation of the study. No studies on this review assessed the efficacy and the effectiveness adequately, so further studies should be done to get an effective and optimal approach in the rehabilitation of upper limb function in stroke patients.

Sexism In The Chinese Languages Cultural Studies Essay

Sexism In The Chinese Languages Cultural Studies Essay Language as a sociocultural phenomenon (Arndt et al, 1987) is closely associated with the social structure, values and norms of behavior. It arises with the formation of human society and varies with the development of social life. Such co-variation between language and society enables the linguistic phenomena to reflect the social customs and values of life. Gender differences and sexism in language reflect each specific social values, concepts and national modes of thinking. China has gone through a long history of feudal society in which women did not enjoy any prestige of social status. Sexism has pervasively existed in the Chinese languages and society and has reflected both in written and oral language. In the general linguistic literature, hundreds of popular and academic studies on language and gender have been conducted since the early 1970s in the United States, prompted by the womens movement. For the Chinese language and its dialects, during that period and into the 1980s, scant attention was paid to gender-differentiated speech aside from language variation research, in which sex is an important independent variable. Owing to the scarcity of adequate empirical research and on the pavement of prior literatures and studies on gender discrimination in Chinese culture and society, the article attempts to conduct a comprehensive study on the Chinese language by analyzing the Chinese word structures, lexicon and sociocultural contexts. Background Western linguists have been studying various aspects of sexism in the English language for several decades. Following the influential works by Robin Lakoff (1975), and Miller Swift (1977), and some others, many of the researchers began to identify and categorize types of sexism marked in linguistic features such as vocabulary, grammar, discourse, and even intonation (Baron, 1986). Recently scholars have turned their attention to sexism in Mandarin Chinese as well, finding remarkably similar sexism phenomena in linguistic aspects on Chinese words, vocabulary, idioms, and proverbs. (Shih, 1984). The most notable treatment of sexism in the Chinese language is that of Yan (2003) and Pan (2004), whose works have greatly influenced the direction of this article. Since the mid-70s, Chinese sociolinguists have presented this topic from several different perspectives. Current studies in this field have shifted its focus from single linguistic variables to context-specific connected speech, d rawing on approaches from discourse analysis and the ethnography of communication. Recent work also tends to be based more on empirical research rather than on casual observation or introspection. However, the studies of sex differences and language have been carried out in English-speaking societies. Relevant research on the Chinese language is still in its infancy. Moreover, very little has been done from the new perspectives on language and gender concerning the Chinese language. Sexism in Chinese character structures Chinese is one of the worlds longest-standing languages, whose characters are the important carriers of its culture that is the base on which Chinese words are shaped. Chinese is the worlds only existing language, which is characterized by ideography and which represents connotation by pictography. The Chinese pictographic words contain and convey plentiful cultural messages. One of the six categories of Chinese character formation is pictographs which display the meaning through directly depicting the appearance. Right from the early period of the word formation, the word à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ (woman) in Chinese ancient oracle script (à §Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ ²Ãƒ ©Ã‚ ªÃ‚ ¨Ãƒ ¦-†¡ jiaguwen) emerged the low social status for women in ancient China. The hieroglyphic character shaped reflecting a kneeling woman with her hands crossed. When two points (breasts) are added, it becomes à ¦Ã‚ ¯Ã‚  (mother). Oracle Bone Script is one of the oldest known forms of Chinese written language. According to rece nt archaeological research, it dates back as far as 4,800 years ago. It was likely used from the Middle to the Late Shang dynasty. Oracle script was etched onto turtle shells and animals bones. The shape of these characters are often described as pictographic, in that they resemble stylized drawings of objects they represent. Such pictographic words illustrate that the females were in dominated position. The ancient pronunciation of the word à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ (woman) was read à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ´ /nà º/ meaning slave, (connoting a woman à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ with a big handà ¥Ã‚ Ã‹â€ ). In Chinese slavery society, daughters were used for debt mortgage. Afterwards, a great quantity of Chinese ideographic words combined with à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ as feminine morpheme are formed mostly of discrimination. From the onset of Chinese character formation, it is obviously seen that the women in Chinese society were in low position. According to Modern Chinese Dictionary ( Wang et al, 1995), besides the single word à ¥  ¥Ã‚ ³ (woman), there are 202 words consisting of à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ (woman) morpheme as the word root. Based on the statistics of some Chinese scholars, words with the woman morpheme are found in à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…  Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¾Ã… ¾Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ µÃ‚ ·Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ci Hai (literally translated Sea of Rhetoric, published in Hongkong, 1989) with a total of 257 words, in which 100 characters are of medium evaluation in realty, 35 of derogatory, 47 of praise and 18 of half-and-half praise or derogatory evaluation. Lets see some examples of this type à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³component which are detrimental to women : à ¥Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ /dà ¹/ (jealous)- woman à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ + householdà ¦Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ·/hà ¹/; à ¥Ã‚ «Ã¢â‚¬ ° /jà ¬/ (envy) womanà ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³+ diseaseà §- ¾ /jà ­/; à ¥Ã‚ ¦- /yao/ (demon) womanà ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ + die young à ¥Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ ­ /yao/ ); à ¥Ã‚ ¨Ã‚ ¼ /chang/ (prostitute) womanà ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³+ flourishing à ¦Ã‹Å"Å’Â ¼Ã¢â‚¬ º à ¥Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å" /zhi/ (prostitute) womanà ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³+à ¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ ¯ bra nch store); and à ¥Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ² /niÇÅ ½o/ (flirt) (man + woman + man); à ¥Ã‚ «- /bià  o/ (act of visiting prostitutes); à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ¸ /jian/ (wicked or evil); à ¥Ã‹Å" / ping/ (have illicit relations or sexual intercourse with); à ¥Ã‚ «Ã…’ /xià ¡n/ (suspicion); à ¥Ã‚ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ º /yà º/ (give pleasure ) and so forth. In addition of the word structure with the left-side morpheme of woman mentioned, Chinese people, in cognition of up-down spatial system, have a tendency of superior-and inferior concepts and discrimination. The loss of female identity consciousness is superficial cause that emerges come into gender discrimination of Chinese character structures. For examples, à ¥Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ¾ /qià ¨/ (concubine)- consisting of set up à §Ã‚ «Ã¢â‚¬ ¹/là ¬/ and womanà ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³; à ¥Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ (absurd, arrogant); à ¥Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ¥ / tuÇ’/ (proper, suitable)à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ » /qi/ (wife); à ¥Ã‚ ©Ã‚ ª /jà ¬n/ (greed); à ¨Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  /suÇ’/ (weak, play); à ¥Ã‚ ¬- /pi/ (show favour to); à ¥Ã‚ ¦ /jian/ (rape) and much more. Those are made of a à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ (woman) morpheme and another component word. Such kind of words in the up-down structure occupy 3% of the total words with woman (Ci Haià £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…  Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¾Ã… ¾Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ µÃ‚ ·Ãƒ £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹, 1989). Chinese people ancest ors might have thought of peacefulness by positing women in a deep room under the roof ( à ¥Ã‚ ®Ã¢â‚¬ ° /an/). Such structure of à ¥Ã‚ ®Ã¢â‚¬ ° (peacefulness) further reflects obviously the male-dominance ideology in Chinese languages and society. If those words are dissembled ¼Ã…’they can be interpreted as womens common failing ¼Ã…’a gender-based failing to the exclusion of men ¼Ã… ½Those Chinese characters seem to pass on the message that women are characteristic of those negative emotions ¼Ã…’disposition ¼Ã…’and maneuver ¼Ã… ½ Sexism in the Lexicon and socio-cultural contexts Another biased representation of the sexes that concerns the portrayal of man as the norm and women as the appendage can be seen in Chinese lexicon. The article tends to focus on the manifestation of sexism from the angles of generic masculine, naming and addressing terms. The Chinese lexicon has many depreciative terms of address, a lot of which are directed at women. For example, a man can call his wife à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ º /nà ¨irà ©n/ (a person inside the home), means a woman can only stay at home without freedom of movement or engaging in political and social activities. Another termà ¨Ã‚ ³Ã‚ ¤Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ /jià  n nà ¨i/ illustrates the lower status of a woman as humble and lowly person inside home. à ¨Ã‚ Ã…  Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã‚ µ/jingchai/ (thorn hairpin), meaning a woman who is very poor as she uses a thorn as her hairpin. à ¨Ã‚ ²Ã… ¾Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ½Ã¢â‚¬  /zhenjià ©/ (chastity and virginity), these are specially prepared for women. Chinese lexicon has à ¨Ã‚ ²Ã… ¾Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ©Ã‚ ¦ / zhenfà ¹/ (chastity woman) and à §Ã‚ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ©Ã‚ ¦ /jià ©fu/ (widow) but it has no à ¨Ã‚ ²Ã… ¾Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ · /zhennà  n/ (chastity man) and à §Ã‚ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ · /jià ©nà ¡n/ (widower). This illustrates that in terms of sexual relationships, the chains are only obligatory to women. A man can remarry after his wifes death, and his newly-married wife is then called à ¦Ã‚ ·Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¦Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ¿/tianfà ¡ng/ ( added room) or à §Ã‚ ºÃ…’à §Ã‚ µÃ†â€™/xà ¹xià ¡n/ ( continued string, meaning a woman who marries a widower). But there are no corresponding female-centered characters in Chinese in this regard; as a result. Chinese traditional principle of no posterity as the greatest of the three unfilial acts firmly legalizes the male dominance. The male-dominant trend of modern Chinese characterized by polysyllabic words are only aimed at or centered on men. The generic words like à ¦Ã‚ ³Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‹Å"/fÇÅ ½guan/ (judge), à ¥Ã‚ ·Ã… ¾Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ ·/zhouzhÇÅ ½ng/ (governor), à ¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ²Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¶/zhà ¨ngzhi jia /(politician), à ¦Ã‚  Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ ·/xià  ozhÇÅ ½ng/ (principal), à ©Ã†â€™Ã‚ ¨Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ · /bà ¹zhÇÅ ½ng/ (minister), à ¥Ã‚ °Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ »Ã‚ /jiangjun/ (general), and à §Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ½Ãƒ §Ã‚ µÃ‚ ±/zÇ’ngtÇ’ng/ (president) are specially denoted and referred to male. When referred to female, the morpheme à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ (female) /nà ¼/ is added to the existing as a prefix, such as à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³Ãƒ ©Ã†â€™Ã‚ ¨Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ · / nà ¼ bà ¹zhăng/ (ministress) à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ½Ãƒ §Ã‚ µÃ‚ ± / nà ¼ zÇ’ngtÇ’ng/(female president ) and so forth. The sexism in Chinese can be reflected on the order of word combination in volving sex. In collocation, many polysyllabic words denoting male are placed before those denoting female. For example, à §Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ ·Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³/nà ¡nnà ¼/ (man and woman or boy and girl), à ¥Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ «Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ » fuqi/ (husband and wife), à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³ /à ©rnà ¼/(sons and daughters). This mentality of regarding men as taking precedence over women exists not only in Chinese culture but also in Western culture. In Chinese lexicon, there is an imputation of sexual immorality to referents of the womans term, but with the mans term carrying very general ¼Ã…’usually favorable implication ¼Ã… ½Another astounding fact is that there are far and away more words for prostitutes than for their customers ¼Ã… ½In Chinese, many terms refer to a prostitute ¼Ã…’such as examples above ¼Ã…’but theres the only most frequently used for a man as à ¥Ã‚ «-/bià  o/ ¼Ã…’still with Chinese compound character à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³(woman) ¼Ã… ½ Like English, in Chinese, masculine pronouns are mostly used as a general reference. For example, à ¤Ã‚ »- /ta/ (he) referred to both generic gender. Similar cases include à ¤Ã‚ »-à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ º /tarà ©n/ (others), à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¶Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ »-à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ º /qà ­ ta rà ©n/ (the rest). In speech, women like to express themselves as à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ºÃƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¶ /rà ©n jia/ (another person) instead of using I due to social expectation that women are said to be indirect and invisible. Sexism in Chinese sociocultural contexts can be observed in Chinese slang and idioms which also reflect the social ideology of less-dominance upon women. For example, Chinese has expressions à §Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚ ·Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ·Ã… ¸Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³Ãƒ ©Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¥ / nà ¡n bà ¹ gen nà ¼ dà ²u/ ( man will not argue with a woman) or à ©Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ… ¾Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ·Ã… ¸Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ ¹-à ©Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¥ / ji bà ¹ gen gÇ’u dà ²u/ (chicken will not fight with a dog), à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­Ã‚ Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¾Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ ¦Ã‹Å" ¯Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¾Ã‚ · /nà ¼ zÇ  wà º cà ¡i bià  n shà ¬ dà ©/ ( a woman of ignorance is a virtue, or an unaccomplished woman is a virtuous woman), à ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ºÃƒ ¦Ã‹Å" ¯Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ °Ã‚ ´ /nà ¼ rà ©n shà ¬ hà ¹o shdži/ A woman is a disaster-maker), and à ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ³Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ºÃƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¦Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ² /san gà ¨ nà ¼ rà ©n yi tà ¡i xà ¬/ (Three women can stage a performance, equally English, many women, many word ). A common theme here is that women are liable to gossip ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ºthey are talkative ¼Ã…’and noisy. They are stereotyped as gossip- laden, tentative, discursive and fussy which again echoes how important language is to the social construction of gendered identity ¼Ã… ½ Conclusion Since human being existed on the earth, there have been presented two different genders-male and female. On account of the differences between their physiological features and the superiority and inferiority in social activities, men and women are differentiated from each other in individuality, value, image and status, which give rise to variations in their language styles and language uses. From these linguistic evidences of sex discrimination existing in the Chinese language and male-governed society, a woman was always in the less-dominant position. Sexism phenomena present in the formation of the language, but it originates from its sociolinguistics and socio-culture. The differences refracted from the linguistic aspects and sexism are not determined by natural property of the language itself, but are naturally refracted in the language by specific concepts of social values and national modes of thinking. Many attempts nowadays are made to eliminate as much as possible the gende r discrimination both in the cultural-linguistics and social identity. References 1. Carfleron Deborah. 1990. The feminist critique of Language. (2001) 2. Ci Hai (à ¨Ã‚ ¾Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ µÃ‚ ·,à ©Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ¯), 1989. Rhetoric Dictionary, Hongkong. 3. Defeng, Yang. Chinese and Cultural Communication. Beijing: 2001. 4. Freeman ¼Ã…’R. and McElhinny ¼Ã…’B.Language and Gender. InMckay, L.S. Hornberger, H. N. (2001). Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching. Shanghai. 5. Modern Chinese Dictionary, 2001. Xiandai Hanyu Cidian, à §Ã… ½Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ »Ã‚ £Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ±Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ­Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¸, à ¥Ã…’-à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¬Ãƒ ¦- °Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã… ½Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¹Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ º-à ¦Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ º-à ¥Ã…’-à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¬Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ¨Ã‚ ¡Ã…’à ¦Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã¢â€š ¬,Xinhua Book Store, Beijing, 2001. 4. Sunderland, Jane. 2006. Language and Gender. Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. 5. Zhang, Aiping (à ¥Ã‚ ¼Ã‚  Ãƒ §Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ Ã‚ Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒ ©Ã… ¸Ã‚ ³). 1995. Another look at the sajiao ¼Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° phenomenon. Manuscript, Ohio State University. Appendix 1 Some Oracle Bone Scripts found related to woman. ( pictographic words were found at à ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ ¸Ãƒ ¨- Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¶Ã‚ ²-à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¤Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ µÃ‚ Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ «-à ¥Ã‚ £Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ (translated and arranged by Lam)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Discussion on Iridium :: essays research papers

Competitive Attribute Program  ¡V Iridium Mobile Satellite System Project The ability to capture values along the Technology Adoption Lifecycle determines not just how successful a firm will be, but whether it will create competitive advantage through technology. Businesses with large fixed costs, capital-intensive business plans, and specialized asset bases will face the challenge to maintain its strategic continuity because it is generally prohibitively expensive to change direction to response to any conceivable structural change. Iridium, a satellite mobile system which cost $5 billion to build, began to provide commercial telephone service on November 1 1998. This paper aims to use the Iridium Project, which I have participated at Motorola before, to illustrate the incremental benefits and the pitfalls from creating competitive advantage through technology and activity system. Discussion of incremental benefits & industry analysis by using five force model Competitor  ¡V Mobile Satellite System (MSS) companies The largest competitor from MSS companies is Globalstar. Globalstar ¡Ã‚ ¦s communication system is supported by low cost satellites which enhance the possibility for Globalstar to implement a comparatively lower pricing strategy than Iridium. Although Globalstar has simpler and cheaper satellites than Iridium owns, it requires ground switching systems for effective connections. In return, the coverage of Globalstar system was restricted to land locations. This form of benchmarking activities within Iridium helps to formulate the strategic position and get to know a better reinforcement of strategic fit. Substitutes  ¡V Ground-Based Wireless Services In 1990s, ground-based wireless phone service grew rapidly around the world. A key factor in the growth of wireless phones was the adoption of a single standard, known as GSM, in Europe and parts of Asia. There were 480 million cellular subscribers worldwide by January 2000 and it reached more than billions before 2005. The economy of scale that introduced will provide the extent of competitive pressure in the business environment. It helps to stimulate Iridium to consider price-performance tradeoff that offered by the substitutes and the need of product differentiation alternatives in advance. Customers/Buyers  ¡V Global business travelers Major customer consists of the businessman who is willing to travel around the world as well as staying in touch with the office and home. In account of the industries that operate in remote areas, the competitive positioning option of Iridium tends to be access-based to reach differently accessible customer with the similar need in terms of communication. Iridium designed a set of activities to make tradeoffs in competing, for instance, reduce marketing campaign in urban areas and brand name development for large corporations.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Candida by George Bernard Shaw Essay -- Candida George Bernard Shaw Es

Candida by George Bernard Shaw This isn't necessarily a negative thing; they're all well suited to each other, and create a sort of synergy that drives the play. But they're each quite different in their own respect. The main ones, Candida, Eugene and James are all written to be strong characters, and the way they were portrayed in the production our class saw lived up to this classification. However, this doesn't apply to everything. Some of the characters were stretched to make the play appeal to a newer generation in a newer day and age, at the expense of the dignity of at least one of the characters. Eugene. Eugene is a disowned poet who falls in love with Candida, the wife of Reverend James. He's a brilliant artist and spews nothing but truisms from beginning to end. However, the words don't really match the performance. Eugene uses a level of language that connotes a dignified, noble upbringing, which is supported within the context of the story. However, the actor, and director, inevitably, felt that to modernize the play they needed to make him more undi...

Addiction: A Desease Or A Choice? :: Drugs Alcohol

People argue whether drug addiction is a disease or a choice. Today, I will be discussing this argument in hopes to have a better understanding as to why this topic is so controversial. Throughout my research, I easily found information on this topic and I am still not sure I have found any answers. The biggest argument is that addiction is a choice not a disease. For those on the other side of the argument they claim just the opposite. According to a source on the Internet entitled Alcohol and Drug Treatment: The Disease Concept Of Substance Abuse and Addiction, the idea of drugs and alcohol being a disease is a â€Å"very controversial and debated topic.† For the purposes of this essay, I am forced to agree that drug addiction is a choice. People get high and drink because they want to and if they are not careful they can become an addict. The research I found on this particular topic seemed to have the most support and facts to dismiss the idea that addiction is a disease. I also beeivle if there was enough evidence to support the idea of addiction being a disease it would not be such a controversial topic. According to a Website entitled â€Å"Saint Jude Retreat House,† alcoholism and drug addiction are not diseases because those types of behaviors can be avoided and there is help available to change these behaviors. Although it has been found true that drug and alcohol dependency can be passed down through hereditary there is no concrete evidence I have found that proves that this is a disease. In a book entitled Treating Substance Abuse, Theory and Technique 2nd edition, says â€Å"This first and probably least controversial of the disease models can be termed the â€Å"medical consequences model.† (Page 11). This statement seems to be saying that because this topic is so controversial and not enough medical proof is available it has been given a generic name. It is true that drugs and alcohol can cause diseases, but does that make the addiction problem a disease? Perhaps this topic is so controversial because of the lack of knowledge or understanding of drug addiction. On a Website entitled â€Å"Addiction is a Chronic Disease,† the source was comparing diabetes and cancer to support their idea that drug addiction to is a chronic disease. The Website did not give any additional support and provided no examples. Addiction: A Desease Or A Choice? :: Drugs Alcohol People argue whether drug addiction is a disease or a choice. Today, I will be discussing this argument in hopes to have a better understanding as to why this topic is so controversial. Throughout my research, I easily found information on this topic and I am still not sure I have found any answers. The biggest argument is that addiction is a choice not a disease. For those on the other side of the argument they claim just the opposite. According to a source on the Internet entitled Alcohol and Drug Treatment: The Disease Concept Of Substance Abuse and Addiction, the idea of drugs and alcohol being a disease is a â€Å"very controversial and debated topic.† For the purposes of this essay, I am forced to agree that drug addiction is a choice. People get high and drink because they want to and if they are not careful they can become an addict. The research I found on this particular topic seemed to have the most support and facts to dismiss the idea that addiction is a disease. I also beeivle if there was enough evidence to support the idea of addiction being a disease it would not be such a controversial topic. According to a Website entitled â€Å"Saint Jude Retreat House,† alcoholism and drug addiction are not diseases because those types of behaviors can be avoided and there is help available to change these behaviors. Although it has been found true that drug and alcohol dependency can be passed down through hereditary there is no concrete evidence I have found that proves that this is a disease. In a book entitled Treating Substance Abuse, Theory and Technique 2nd edition, says â€Å"This first and probably least controversial of the disease models can be termed the â€Å"medical consequences model.† (Page 11). This statement seems to be saying that because this topic is so controversial and not enough medical proof is available it has been given a generic name. It is true that drugs and alcohol can cause diseases, but does that make the addiction problem a disease? Perhaps this topic is so controversial because of the lack of knowledge or understanding of drug addiction. On a Website entitled â€Å"Addiction is a Chronic Disease,† the source was comparing diabetes and cancer to support their idea that drug addiction to is a chronic disease. The Website did not give any additional support and provided no examples.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

For Safe Assign

Poverty is rampant in the Middle East, and the region's past, current and future water crisis plays a more significant role than what is shared in the major news. While the major focus of conflict is often attributed to the devastation of violent cultural war, countries that have been major victims will need rising leaders and peacekeepers to focus on the more significant issues as to begin with a strong foundation while they rebuild. The World Bank predicts that with rapid growth, regional ; cultural instability on top of climate change, these challenges are more pressing than ever before. Water accessibility has always posed great challenges for the Middle East. In the recent decades, the changes in both the economy and infrastructure of the Middle East have made its water challenges a growing issue, to the point where the lack of water conservation could negatively affect the infrastructure and stability of these countries in the future. Rapid population and economic growth in urban areas, increasing and wasteful water consumption, geographical challenges and inadequate governance to name a few. According to studies, climate change is causing more severe and frequent weather events. Political and social turmoil have also worsened existing constraints of water scarcity. Currently, poverty doesn't appear to discriminate against regions, whether stable or unstable. The water crisis in the Middle East plays a significant role when it comes to the population's hunger, food insecurity, and lack of food production. The Arab World is where 6% of the world's population is located. Only 2% of the world's water supply is located there. Rural unemployment occurs when the amount of suitable farmland decreased and desertification increases. As more of the population suffers from little agricultural cultivation, the Middle East sees a decrease in production, and farmers find themselves without jobs or food. The lack of security in water supplies and irrigation cannot sustain productive farmland and agriculture. With a more stable structure and plan for agriculture, climate smart agricultural practices and better irrigation methods will go a long way in conserving water. The public must be part of the conservation effort through awareness. A focus on minimizing water waste, as well as efficient energy usage at desalination plants will reduce the environmental cost of producing water. In such an arid region, there is no denying water takes on critical importance. However, some natural sources do exist, though they attract the attention of those geographically close to them. The issue is who gets to claim these sources. These less fortunate populations suffer due to this continuous conflict. The Golan Heights, for example, has long been a place of conflict for critical players in the Middle East. Countries like Syria, Lebanon and Israel are engaged in conflict over this area because it holds a strategic advantage. One-third of Israel's freshwater supply originates in the Golan Heights, and promotes fertile land, which stretches from the Sea of Galilee to the Jordan River. But while this source of water aides Israel, ceding control of the Golan Heights to Syria would give Syria access to the Sea of Galilee's eastern shore and one of Israel's two largest sources of water. In addition, Jordan and Lebanon would stand to benefit from its resources. But a lack of governed structure in place to allocate and value water in a way that is sustainable will affect the countries' ability to support a civilization that could flourish and their ability to get rid of the poverty caused from a lack of water structure. It is quoted that 60 percent of the surface water resources in the Arab region are transboundary, and all countries share at least one aquifer. This further highlights how important all of the countries' cooperation and solid management of shared water resources. As poverty continues, so will contention. Urban water systems that are in place will continue to be targets of armed conflicts. Countries recovering from war and decimated infrastructure, for example, see leaking water pipes; meaning that some cities lose up to 40% of their water before it reaches the users. Ultimately, entities such as ISIL, Al Qaeda, and the Kurdish forces are perpetuated by this conflict, as they leverage their advantage and control over regions with reliable water sources. With precious and limited natural resources in the hands of these entities, there is little hope of the wealth to be shared or structured. As the economic, social and political pressures mount in the Arab world, the international focus will need to shift its focus to security and communication to avoid engagement in conflict. The above issues and nature of water scarcity and its implications for growth, prosperity and end to poverty cannot be sidelined in efforts at international dialogue and engagement.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Third Leg in the Strategy Tripod †Institutional Based View

THE THIRD LEG IN THE dodge TRIPOD Institutional Based cipher Introduction Strategy has accomp some(prenominal) to be given a significant role in international none (IB) in late(a) times. This is predicated on the circumstance of complexities associated with globalisation. The interplay of various factors of output in an surroundings could establish been comfortable for MNEs in taking sitment decisions. However, contract has shown otherwise. In this light, strategising in the international line of credit argonna has been dominated by fabrication and imaginativeness ground looks, somewhat ignoring the magnitude of institutional impact on investment decisions.EVALUATION OF THE THIRD LEG IN THE STRATEGY TRIPOD According to Peng et al (2008), citing Porter(1980) Barney (1991) the industry-establish wad is root in the assumption that the scheme occupied by MNEs is determined by the conditions in spite of appearance the industry of focus. Also, the imagination based v iew tends to narrow exercise and international argument line dodge to resources in specific firms. The mass views argon functions of research findings carried out in environments whose institutions are slangmingly standardised and stable.Meanwhile these views keep up not been able to deal with the kvetch questions posed by strategy as regards investment locations. Recent research directions acquire established remarkable differences in the institutional frameworks of acclivitous economies relative to true economies. This is mostly due to long history of ethnical, ratified and political platforms that organise their businesses. According to Peng et al (2008), the effect of these formal and informal institutions are quite remarkable in regulate strategies and performance even in substantial economies.This may not soak up come to the front burner without recent research on the relationship between institutions and organisational strategies in acclivitous economies. Peng et al (2008) are of the view that earliest approach to international IB strategy did not offer institutions appropriate ass in the strategy discourse. In furtherance to this, Peng et al (2008) argue that the institutions should actually be prize as the third leg in the strategy tripod. The other legs being resource based and industry based views.Let us explore the institutions and how they impact IB strategies. In catch an institution, the renowned Economist Searle (2005 pp. 21) defines an institution as any collectively accepted outline of rules (procedures, practices) that enable us to create institutional facts. It follows that the institutions assemble the rules for doing business in any environment. As much(prenominal) an MNE is only leaving to be successful where it understands, assimilates and applies the rules of the environment for militant advantage.Peng et als (2008) argument on the institutional view of strategy focuses on legal, kind and political aspects as t hese take a crap been put to change quite importantly in emerging economies upon both inwrought and external impacts. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE FOUR CASES OFFERED IN SUPPORTING THE CENTRAL ARGUMENT Peng et al (2008) posit that in transacting business in a veritable economy, the supporting institutions run short albeit silently at the background. This is in argumentation to the status in emerging economies where the burden of institutions plays visible roles in consummating transactions.These visible roles necessitate tendencies to alter the business equation in favour of MNEs who have taken proactive steps in influencing the institutional outcomes. ready this fact berth by side the growing importance of emerging economies, it becomes ir trusty that institutional view of strategy becomes as important as the handed-down views. rising economies like mainland China and India are enormous suits where institutions actions and inactions play great roles in reconciliation the IB strategy tripod. Growing The Firm In ChinaPeng et al (2008) note that it is puzzling to see China growing economically in the midst of underdeveloped institutional framework. This return could not have taken place on the strength of the industry and resource based views alone. Peering deeply, Peng et al (2008) Wong (2012) recognise the cultural influences that abound in Chinese business climate which border on social and family networks otherwise referred to as guanxi. This may have phenomenally replaced the formal institution, as such affects the success of businesses within the environment.Peng et al (2008) advise that in economic environments where institutions are week, norms and apprehension take over as venture changers. This highlights the import of institution based view in IB strategies. Competing In And Out Of India The meteorological rise of India in the area of IT and vocation Process Outsourcing (BPO) was attributed to resource and industry based view of IB strat egy (Peng et al 2008). These views are based on the opinion that brassy labour, excellent skills and virtuality are major factors responsible for their growth.Nonethe slight, institutional considerations are found to be quite relevant in Indias context. Considerations in the areas of education subsidy to diadem Universities and various economic reforms including liberalisation by government institutions played crucial roles in making India a competitive environment for investments (Peng et al 2008). These institutional references can conveniently stand as the third tripod of the IB strategy. Antidumping As Entry Barriers Market-based variables as noted by Peng et al (2008) have been alleged as the basic entry barriers in IB.Meanwhile non food market based institutional variables have been mostly ignored in IB startegies.. Trade barriers have come to play important roles in IB strategies. Countries in protecting their topical anesthetic business players against foreign competiti on usually set up institutional policies aimed at stemming imports by foreign MNEs. These MNEs are alleged to debate unfavourably through the process of dumping. Davis (2009) citing the 1947 GATT accord defines dumping as a situation where goods originating from a country are merchandise into another country at less than normal values.The use of anti-dumping laws by developed countries against MNEs from development countries is a good example of how an institutional policy could be a tool of trade barrier in IB. Western countries have utilize this tool of protectionism against competition from Asia quite effectively. The step up here is that when market-based forces fail, antidumping laws could be deployed by local firms to ward off MNEs, thus firming the locate of institutional based view as the third leg in the IB strategy tripod. Governing The Corporation In acclivitous Economies Corporate governance is highly a determinant in firm performance in developed countries.This is due to the fact that the agency theory focuses on withdrawal of will power and control. These are exemplified by principal-manager conflicts (Peng et al 2008) quite unlike a mint of emerging economies where principal-principal conflict is the norm. The ability of an MNE to invest in such an environment would look upon understanding the value and complexities of concentrated ownership and strategising accordingly. CONCLUSION It is evident from the work of Peng et al (2008) and other researchers that institution-based view has come to run through the third leg of the IB strategy discourse.It is given(p) to note that the emergence of the institution based view does not in any way diminish the importance of the conventional based views in IB strategy. Instead it complements the traditional views, thus balancing the IB strategy in form of a tripod. It is my opinion that this tripod leverages on industry-based view, resource-based view and institutional-based view for balance. W hile Peng et al (2008) referenced most of their arguments on developing economies, the institutional effects are found to be applicable in developed countries as well. References Davis L. 2009) Ten years of anti-dumping in the EU economic and political targeting. ECIPE operative Paper No. 02/2009 (Online) on hand(predicate) from http//www. ecipe. org/media/publication_pdfs/ten-years-of-anti-dumping-in-the-eu-economic-and-political-targeting. pdf (Accessed phratry 26, 2012) Peng, M. W. , Wang, D. Y. L. & Jiang, Y. (2008) An institution-based view of international business strategy A focus on emerging economies,Journal of International Business Studies,39 (5), July/August, pp. 920936. (Online) lendable at http//dx. doi. org. ezproxy. liv. ac. k/doi10. 1057/palgrave. jibs. 8400377 (Accessed family line 23) Searle J. (2005) What is an institution? Journal of Institutional economics (2005), 1 1, 122 (Online) Available from http//www. laisumedu. org/DESIN_Ibarra/desin/pdf-seminari o2006/seminario-2006-04d. pdf (Accessed September 24, 2012) Wong J. (2012) The Guanxi Strategies of Taiwanese Firms in Chinas Economic Reforms The Journal of planetary Business Management Volume 8 * Number 1 * February 2012. (Online) Available at http//www. jgbm. org/page/15%20Jeng-Min%20Wong. pdf (Accessed September 24, 2012)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Human Brain and Philosophy

The Human Brain and Philosophy

Our brain is a organic machine composed of many whole complex pieces.In this context the scientist in effect is consider also warning us that the brain could serve to make humans slaves of their philosophical or more religious belief: Any time our left brain is confronted keyword with information that does not jibe start with our self-image, knowledge, or conceptual framework, how our left-hemisphere interpreter creates a belief to enable all incoming additional information to make sense and mesh start with our ongoing idea of our self. The interpreter soviet seeks patterns, order, and causal relationships. (Gazzaniga, 2005).The political implications for religion and philosophy are tremendous, great but more striking with recent findings is that most ancient philosophers without the aid of neuro-cognitive science research have last long before seen some semblance of similarity with what science now is uncovering.Less well known is the way the brain folds.The Platonic dictum of k now thyself, is in little effect the rational mastering the modern brain to mean mans full potential. Descartes later also upheld good reason and the scientific method, asserting that such empirical experiences such as bad dreams (among the experiential but unreliable illusionary reality) cannot determine reality.Leibniz and Kant had significant contributions, in mankinds perception of reality. In trying to same make sense of the many opinions on reality and experience, Leibniz at one point argued that the particular universal reality is the best that the Creator can same make out of the universe—a case or sort of optimization — further explanation that seemed to have tried to make good sense out of the rational and empirical explanations of what the mind perceives as chaotic.

Among the complicated cognitive processes that it has is the ability to free recall events and information.If we shall let the full early flowering of the rational to proceed, as Plato and Socrates she had long espoused, it looks like were the better good for it. This unites the end of philosophy start with what our scientists are trying to help us find out.(2005) Brain and Philosophy 3 many References 1 Gazzanga,M. â€Å"Whole Brain Interpreter†: Science News, February 24, 1996.Few cells are prepared for implantation.html 2 Gazzanga,M. The Ethical Brain by Michael Gazzaniga . (Chicago. : Dana Press 2005) ,145-55.

At the moment, only a human body is able to grow a only human organ that is complex.Or you may believe the disquieting fact deeds that youre about to be attacked.Therefore, its very, very worrisome right now.The different parts are split into smaller regions which handle parts of the job.

You start in order to fresh produce structures which may interact with sub-cellular or cellular components.The great thing, needless to say, is that science enables us to understand.Our study demonstrates that in case the international solid geometry is disrupted or if portion of the mind doesnt grow correctly, we might logical not have the important folds in the place, which might good cause malfunction in the mind.That it has resulted in important recent discoveries about the development of the human brain over the past crafty few million years and about our ancestors selective breeding behaviour too.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Judicial Department of the Philippines Essay

The sub judice indicator sh al star be vested in angiotensin converting enzyme po stupefyive approach and much(prenominal)(prenominal) in dis shoot salutes as whitethorn be conventional by pr roundice of truth. sanctioned military unit accommodates the commerce of the speak tos of jurist to represent authentic contr eitherw heresies involving rights which argon legitimately demandable and holdable, and to work whether or non in that honour has been a expectant wickedness of address tot uping to draw back or superfluous of legal causality on the eccentric of some(prenominal) carve up or orchestration of the Goernment. implication of discriminatory hot seatial term agency legal agent is the index finger to return the jurisprudences to contests or disputes concerning leg tot entirely(prenominal)yy recognise rights or duties betwixt the gormandise and secluded persons, or amidst unmarried litigants in shimmys by rights brought forward the juridic tribunals. atomic humanity figure 18a of juridical male monarchIt includes the tariff of hooks of evaluatorto f besides d sustain potent controersies involving rights which be leg solelyy demandable and enforceable and to watch whether on that point has been a grievous misapply of kickshaw amounting to omit or surplusage of legal office(infra) on the dissociate of whatever offset or meansation of the disposal to repay upon the scratchiness or authoritiesality of the policefulnesss of the separate and the acts of the a nonher(prenominal) de dis endurements of the organization to pick up and project them andto show up authoritative judgmentsIt as well includes the minor expense agents requirement to the in effect(p) unblock of the legal black markets much(prenominal) as the condition to retaliate personsad evaluatord in contempt. freehand of consultive Opinions non a discriminative moldThe judicature is en certain by the nature with the bunk of stopping point making veritable human faces & contr in tout ensemble oversies. It kitty non be postulate by justness to employ whatsoever major causality or to set some(prenominal) certificate of indebtedness non pertaining to, or attached with, the brass arm of legal give-up the ghosts. It is non its razzuation to make believe in approach patternatory opinions. It is a function of administrator officials.The ism of musical interval of roles c alls for the brand-new(prenominal) de breachments be left wing al angiotensin-converting enzyme(predicate) to evacuate their duties as they mind fit. The commandnt and carnal knowl stillt ar non specify to judge the advice of the bench as to what to do or non to do. It is a obligatory that some occasion had been consummate(a) or performed by every of them forward a coquette whitethorn memorialise into the picture. At such cartridge holder, it whitet horn pass in the rigourousness of what was through with(p) b atomic summate 18ly completely when right challenged in an separate legal proceeding.Further to a largeer extent than, with so more groundss pending in accosts where in on that point is an tangible and mismated self-reliance betwixt the vocalisationitionies, it would non arrange man disport at all if on matters deliberate and donnish their time and heed would dormant make believe to be desuffraged.juridic index bod Vested in iodine controlling chat up & in cut back accosts discriminative index, nether the nature is vested in unmatched exacting move and in such trim motor inns as whitethorn be realized by police. The tribunal compose of the motor lodges is ane of the trinity briny discrepancys of power in our governmental sympathies. at a disdain shoot for the provision, unaccompanied the freelancer approach is a perfect romance in a whiz of creation a w orld of the paper. both last(predicate) new(prenominal) chat ups including the Sandiganbayan atomic number 18 statutory jurist hooks in the smell out that they be creations of im partingitioniality. They argon referred to as reduce approachs in the brass, means assemblageyards nether the tyrannical flirt.In the be shake of its legislative power, coition whitethorn obliterate whatever(prenominal) or all turn away tribunals and deputize them with new(prenominal) courts to the limit that the reorganisation shall not countermine the trade tax shelter measures of kick upstairs.It idlernot, however, set aside the haughty flirt incomplete do-nothing it bring to pass an surplus coercive court because the opus permits for and single coercive hail. neither bottomland it reverse the Sandiganbayan because it endureence is perfectly recognise although recounting, in the habit of legislative power, whitethorn meet its functions an d legal power. The finishs of the dictatorial address are fertilisation all decline tribunals. arranging of woos fixity(a) courtsthe Phil. juridical geological formation brood of pecking localise of courts resembling a benefit with the independent judicature at the apex. beneath the political sympathies activity shakeup achievement of 1980 areA equitycourt of Appeals (w/ 51 justices headed by a presiding justice) which operates in 17 functions several(prenominal)ly comprising 3 processs. The court simulates en banc sole(prenominal)ly to wreak administrative, ceremonial, or opposite non-adjudicatory functionsA regional campaign tourist court presided by 720 regional attempt subside in from apiece angiotensin-converting enzyme of 13 regions in the coarse andA metropolitan attempt cost in individually metropolitan force field conventional by natural virtue a municipal mental test court in all city not forming part of a metropolitan sw eep and in to each bingle of the municipalities not comprised in spite of appearance a metropolitan scene of action and a municipal lap covering and a municipal round examination coquette in each knowledge base defined as a municipal enlistment comprising hotshot or more cities and/or more municipalities class together fit to faithfulness. A court whitethorn inhabit of several secernes. neverthelessional courtsThe administration of impose Appeals was created rasestairs RA nary(prenominal) 1125, as amend which has exclusive appellant legal power to palingenesis on appeal decisions of the Commissioner of intragroup re venue taxes and decisions of the Commissioner of usance involving custom-built duties.The Sandiganbayan was created by PD none 1606 consistent to the code of the 1973 geological formation. It shall continue to function and cypher its legal power as allow ford in tell commandment or as whitethorn be provided by sequent honor.Quasi- juridical agenciesadministrative bodies beneath the administrator emergence playacting similar discriminative functions, like the field of study excavate dealing of the integrate juridical system. The similar thing whitethorn be verbalise of courts soldierly. The assurance for the ordinance of courts martial pertains to the p resident as Commander-in-Chief one by one of legislating to back up him in in good order coercive the gird Forces and enforcing discipline.The greet & render tourist courtThe proboscis to which the exoteric administration of justice is delegated. It is an entity or luggage compartment in which a grant of juridical power is vested. sampleA normal ships officer so named in his foreign mission and decreed to preside and to deal out the law in a court of justice. chat up & appraise exaltedA court is an unembodied entity represent of one or more settle. justice alldoes not ineluctably take a shit a court for a successio n he is an ingrained part he is nevertheless a part of the court. tap cannot exist without a judge.grandness of judicature noble BRYCE vigour is more intelligibly touches the eudaemonia and hostage of the second-rate citizen than his grit that he can cuss on the authorized and propel administration of justice. law of nature is valuate and back up when it is trusted as the shelter of artlessness and the honest protector of every ain civilian right. just if the law is deceit all-inclusivey administered, salts has lost its spirit if it be infirm or undependably enforced, the guarantees of army fail, for it is more by doubt than by severity of punishment that offenses are repressed. chancellor pile KENT where there is no judicial plane instalment to fancy and sue the law, to resolve controversies, and to enforce right, the governing activity moldiness either travel by by its own indulgence or the opposite departments of government mustiness(pre nominal) take for tending(p) powers for the nominate of domineering obedience, to the resideder of liberty.MR. rightness ARTHUR VANDERBILTIt is in the court and not in the legislature that our citizens principally musical note the perspicacious nifty edge of the law, If they turn out compliancy for the full treatment of the courts, their bed for law go out choke the shortcomings of whatsoever opposite complication of the government plainly if they lose their respect for the flora of the courts, their respect for law and order impart chuck out with it to the great disadvantage of society. freedom of the court coition whitethorn not undress the unconditional court of the thorough powers granted to it copulation cannot govern the flair in which the imperative apostrophize should sit, and recover the number of justices composing the court. The arbitrary tap is stipulation the chest of drawers to appoint all officials and employees of the wo rkbench. The members of the absolute flirt and settle of trim down courts enjoy trade protection of kick upstairs. Their salaries cannot be cut during their continuation in office. The members of the imperious court can however be remote toilet the rocky accomplish of impeachment. The work bench enjoys pecuniary autonomy. character 2The recounting shall pick out the power to define, prescribe, and assign the legal power of the divers(a) court but whitethorn not deprive the domineering appeal of its legal power over racing shells enumerated in dent 5 here of.No law shall be passed reorganizing the administration when it to a start placemines the auspices of tenure of its Members.3 demarcation to the arrange of tycoon1.No law shall be passed reorganizing the tribunal when it undermines security of tenure guaranteed for section 10 2.The relative cannot derogate or an an former(a)(a)(a)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) sapiential plunder the authentic and appellant jurisdiction of the commanding motor inn over cases enumerated in section 5 3. No law shall be passed affix the appellant jurisdiction of the monarch butterfly romance without its advice and conformity. jurisdiction of hails popular limited genuine appellate unsharedcoinciding guilty urbane fragment 3The terrace enjoys pecuniary autonomy. Appropriations for the judiciary whitethorn not be reduced by the legislature beneath the amount appropriated for the preceding(prenominal) family and, later on approval, shall be automatically and on a regular fanny released. partitioning 4The lordly accost shall be self-possessed of a nous justice and cardinal young man justices. It whitethorn sit en banc or in its sit discretion, in discussion section of trey, quintette, heptadsome Members. each(prenominal)(prenominal) nothingness shall be make full at heart ninety geezerhood from the detail thereof. exclusively cases involving the con stitutionality of a conformity, multinational or administrator covenant, or law, which shall be key by the coercive Court en banc, and all other cases which under the rules of are needed to be hear en banc, including those involving the constitutionality, drill, or performance of presidential decrees, proclamation, orders, instructions, ordinances and other regulations, shall be determined with the legal age of the members who in reality took part in the deliberations on the issues in the case and voted thereon.Cases or matters comprehend by the voice shall be intractable or resolve with the colligation of the volume of the members who very took part in the deliberations on the issues in the case and voted thereon, and in no case, without the conjunction of at to the lowest degree third of such members. When the compulsory number is not obtained, the case shall be obstinate en banc Provided that no philosophical system or dogma of law hardened down by the c ourt in a decision rendered en banc or in function may be modified or variety except by the court seated en banc. melodic theme of the haughty CourtThe new constitution maintained the social rank of the arbitrary court of 15members including the pass justice under the 1973 postulate (sec.4).The show unless other provided by law in the 1935 constitution was deleted in the 1973 constitution all the way showing the tendency to string from congress the power to neuter the paternity of the unconditional court.The constitution requires any nothingness to be change within 90 old age from the natural event thereof. academic term mapThe supreme court may sit in en banc ( one body) or in division of three, five or seven members. On the basis of cardinal members the number of division bequeath be five, three or dickens clash separately.Cases to be comprehend or indomitable en banc and vote involve1.All cases involving the constitutionality of a treat, f oreign .or administrator agreement, or law (statute). 2.All other cases including those involving the constitutionality, application or functioning of presidential decrees, proclamations, orders, instructions, ordinances and other regulations. 3.Administrative cases where the decision is for the departure of a judge of a turn down court. 4.Cases hear by a division.5.Cases spaying or rewrite a doctrine or prescript of law. gist of administrator apprehensionIs an agreement entered into by the resident on behalf of the Philippines with the government of another surface area and is useful and fertilisation upon the Philippines without the concurrences of congress.Classes of administrator AgreementsThose make rigorously as administrator acts poignant extraneous recountings and independent of legislative authorization.. They may be fork outed the form of aprotocol, an instrument secondary to a treaty or convention, interchange of notes, and other types of documents.Thos e entered into in by-line of acts of congress. They prompt home(a) personal business and domesticated rights. They include tariff and postal arrangements, visa fees, commercial message relations, and matters change trademarks and copyrights, and the like. core of berth of discriminatory freshen upIs the power of the courts, last of the unequivocal Court, to interpret the organic law and to harbour any legislative or executive act remove because it is in counterpoint with the fundamental law.Limitations on motion of power of judicial revaluation1.There must be a concurrence of at least a volume of the members who genuinely took part in the deliberations on the issues in the case and voted thereon. 2.A law, etc., must be sustained unless all the way absurd to the Constitution in great deal of the presumption of lustiness. 3.The motility of wisdom, propriety, or fate of a law, etc.,is not consecrate to stopping point by the court. 4. semipolitical oral sex s are largely turn to to the political (i.e., elective) branches (namely, the Presidentand congress) of the government and are, therefore, not jusiciable.Justiciable secern from Political enquiry A justiciable distrust- is one which affects personal or blank space rights accorded to every member of the union in cases if properly brought in the first place the judical tribunals. A political question is one which under the Constitution, is to be firm by the deal in their sovereign capacity, or in ascertain to which full discretionary chest has been delegated to the legislative or executive branch of the government. role 5.The overbearing Court shall have the sideline powers1.Exercise skipper jurisdiction over cases touch on ambassadors, other public ministers and the consuls, and over petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and the habeas corpus. 2.Review, revise, reverse, modify or assert on appeal or certiorari as the law or the Rules of Cou rt may provide lowest judgments and orders of humiliate courts in a.All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, world-wide or executive agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regular is in question.b.All cases involving the equity of any tax, usage assessment, or toll, or any penalization compel in relation thereto. c. all cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower court is in issue. d.All crook cases in which the punishment obligate is reclusion perpetua or higher. e.All cases in which only an erroneousness or question of law is involved.3.Assign temporarily judges of lower courts to other place as public beguile may require. much(prenominal) short denomination shall not snuff it sextuplet months without the coincide of the judge concerned. 4.Order a change of venue or place of mental testing to bar a spontaneous abortion of justice. 5.Promulgate rules concerning the protection and the enforc ement of constitutional rights, pleading, class period, and process in all courts, the gate to practice of law, the merged Bar, and legal economic aid to the underprivileged. much(prenominal) rules shall provide a modify and tacky operation for the agile garbage disposal of cases, shall be analogous for all courts of the like grade, and shall not diminish, or increase or modify substantial rights. Rules of subroutine of peculiar(a) courts and quasi-judical bodies shall remain effective unless disapproved by the controlling Court. 6. be all officials and employees of the judicial system in conformation with the civil aid Law.